Consent Orders Divorce Divorce faq Divorce Grounds Financial Remedy Proceedings

Appealing a Consent Order

updated 10 May 2024 Appealing or setting aside Consent Orders is one of the most specialised areas of Family Law. We are one of the leading firms of lawyers specialising in appealing Consent Order or Setting Aside Consent Order and we have extensive experience of successfully challenging Consent Orders. The following links explain how to […]

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Divorce Petition fee unchanged at £593

The Ministry of Justice has confirmed details of which court and tribunal fees, including those for family proceedings, which will increase in May 2024. One piece of good news is that the application fee for a divorce, currently £593, will not increase. A consultation paper ‘Implementing increases to selected court and tribunal fees’ was published […]

Divorce Divorce faq Divorce Grounds

How and when can I get a no-fault Divorce?

As from Autumn of 2021, the new law on no-fault divorces in England, which was originally announced in February 2019, will be reformed. This is the first major change since 1973

Consent Orders Divorce Divorce faq Divorce Grounds Financial Remedy Proceedings Prenuptial Agreements

The Barder Principle in Appealing Consent Orders and Final Orders

The Barder principle comes from the 1987 case of Barder v Barder, and allows a family law court to exercise its discretion to grant leave to appeal a Consent Order or a Final Order, out of time. For such an appeal to succeed, certain conditions must be satisfied

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How to choose your perfect divorce solicitor?

Having advised & represented thousands of people going through divorce, it may be useful if I share some of my own experiences with you and highlight a few factors you should consider when choosing the right solicitor for you.