Consent Orders Divorce Divorce faq Divorce Grounds Financial Remedy Proceedings

Appealing a Consent Order

updated 10 May 2024 Appealing or setting aside Consent Orders is one of the most specialised areas of Family Law. We are one of the leading firms of lawyers specialising in appealing Consent Order or Setting Aside Consent Order and we have extensive experience of successfully challenging Consent Orders. The following links explain how to […]

Consent Orders Divorce Divorce faq Financial Remedy Proceedings

What is a Consent Order

updated 10 May 2024 Marriage creates financial obligations towards one another. These obligations don’t end just because you get a divorce. A divorce only ends the marriage contract. It doesn’t deal with finances or splitting assets. The finances following divorce are a separate matter and these are called Financial Remedy proceedings. Many Financial Remedy claims […]

Immigration Solicitors Firm

شرایط ویزای همسر انگلستان

به منظور واجد شرایط بودن برای ویزای همسر انگلستان ، شما باید به اداره مهاجرت انگلستان ثابت کنید که شرایط زیر را دارا هستید: الزامات دقیق شما به منظور واجد شرایط بودن برای ویزای همسر انگلستان ممکن است بسته به شرایط شخصی شما متفاوت باشد. بهتر است با یک وکیل مهاجرت برای مشاوره تخصصی صحبت […]

Divorce Divorce faq Divorce Grounds

Divorce Petition fee unchanged at £593

The Ministry of Justice has confirmed details of which court and tribunal fees, including those for family proceedings, which will increase in May 2024. One piece of good news is that the application fee for a divorce, currently £593, will not increase. A consultation paper ‘Implementing increases to selected court and tribunal fees’ was published […]

Solicitors Firm

Home Office income threshold for Spouse visa reduced

Last week the Home Office announced that the minimum earning threshold for spouse visas was going to increase from the current level of £18,600 to a whopping £38,700. Today, in a major rethink and backtrack the Home Office has announced that they will not increase the threshold to £38,700 but that it will be increased […]