
Our Fees

Option A – General advice and Questions

If you have a particular question regarding your circumstances, you can contact us or email us, with no obligation, with your question.

You can also call us on 020 8401 7352 to book an appointment.

Option B – Fixed Fee Assessment

This is a no obligation, fixed fee, initial interview. This consultation comprises a 60 minute personal consultation and seeks to address your specific circumstances.

The consultation has a fixed fee of £100 (£120 including VAT at 20%) and the fee is deductible from Options C & D, should you decide to instruct us in your matter.

To benefit from Option B, you must ensure that you have available the basic information we will need, to answer your queries.

At the conclusion of the Fixed Fee Assessment you will have the option to either proceed no further, or to instruct Mansouri & Son to conduct your matter under Options C, D or E below.

Should you decide to proceed with your divorce with this firm, we will happily deduct the Option B consultation fee from your future costs.

Option C – Detailed Assessment

For a fixed fee of £300 (£360 including VAT) we will provide you with a detailed assessment of your case. We will still require the information mentioned in Option B above and, perhaps more information, subject to your specific circumstances.

With Option C you will receive a highly detailed written advice on your matter as well as a ‘case plan’ suggesting alternative ways forward and setting out all the necessary information you will need to make the right decision.

Option D – Fixed Fee Divorce

Our fixed fees for an uncontested and straightforward divorce starts at £800 (£960 including VAT) if you are the Petitioner or £600 (£720 inc. VAT) if you are the Respondent.

This is in addition to the fees that are payable to the Court. The Court fees involved are an initial fee for filing the divorce petition, which is currently £593.

If you live abroad and you want a divorce in England & Wales, our fee is normally £1,750. Added to this will be the court fees of £593 to issue the petition.

Option E – The Hourly Rate

In certain circumstances it may be necessary for you to instruct us on the basis of an Hourly Rate.

We offer a selection of hourly rates dependent upon the nature and complexity of the work involved, the grade of solicitor you choose and the amount of of work involved. Our Hourly rate for divorce family work starts at £200 per hour, plus VAT.

You will be invoiced on a monthly basis to ensure that you are not faced with a bill which may be difficult to manage at the end of your case.

You will regularly be kept informed about the progress of your case and the estimated final costs.

The Separation Agreement

There may be situations where you and your partner, irrespective of whether you are married or not, may want to make a separation agreement. This helps to ensure that the financial arrangements or details relating to the children are embodied in a formal legal agreement.

Mansouri & Son Solicitors can assist you in the preparation of such a document for a fixed fee of £800 (£960 including VAT).

The Pre-nuptial Agreement

For situations where you are about to embark on a relationship and you want to ensure that everything is clarified from the start, we recommend a Pre-Nuptial Agreement.

This can ensure that there are less disagreements in the event that the relationship should fail and you choose to part company from your partner.

We can assist in the preparation of such a document on your behalf with fees starting from £800 (£960 including VAT) depending on the complexity of the agreement

For further details or to book an appointment you can contact us or email us.

Legal Aid

We do not accept Legal Aid work