
Home Office Compensation For Delays in Processing Visa Applications

In some circumstances it may be possible to get compensation for delayed Home Office visa decisions & applications. Here we explain how


My UK Visa Application is delayed – What Can I Do?

Delays by the Home Office in deciding visa applications are increasingly common, here we explain what you can do about these delays and how to complain

Asylum Children Immigration Immigration Appeals

Home Office policy of ‘No Recourse to Public Funds’ ruled illegal in new High Court Judgement

A five-year-old boy has today successfully challenged the UK Home Office and won his case allowing children of migrant families to now receive basic financial state support

Asylum Immigration Immigration Appeals Visitor Visas

What is the Immigration Health Surcharge

The immigration health surcharge (IHS), has been introduced by the UK Government to give access to the full range of NHS treatments to certain overseas visitors to the UK. The Immigration Health Surcharge is also sometimes known as the NHS surcharge

Asylum Immigration Visitor Visas

Are Visitors and Immigrants Entitled to use the NHS?

Are visitors and immigrants entitled to use the NHS in the UK?